Video Toaster 4.0
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157 lines
* SEQ -- Command Sequence Processor
* This takes a shell command with special pattern codes embedded in it
* and issues a sequence of shell commands generated by filling in the
* patterns. This allows for one-line processing of a sequence of files
* such as LightWave image sequences.
* Some examples:
* CLI> seq copy abc#30# abc#.bku
* copy abc001 abc001.bku
* copy abc002 abc002.bku
* ...
* copy abc030 abc030.bku
* CLI> seq rename img#1,20,2# ximg#3,10#
* rename img001 ximg003
* rename img003 ximg004
* rename img005 ximg005
* ...
* rename img017 ximg011
* rename img019 ximg012
* It takes the command line and breaks it up into words. Each word
* can contain a sequence pattern which will be expanded into a sequence
* of words with numbers replacing the pattern code. The codes can be
* in the following forms:
* pattern form start end step
* ------------ ----- --- ----
* # 1 1 1
* #N# 1 N 1
* #K,N# K N 1
* #K,N,S# K N S
* Any word without a pattern is just a constant which gets repeated
* in each iteration. The total number of iterations for the combined
* command is the MAXIMUM number of elements in any sequence.
* If the command line is preceded by a hyphen (i.e. "seq -copy ..."),
* the commands will be generated and displayed but not envoked as
* shell commands. This allows you to test a complex pattern before
* letting it work on real files.
* This should be placed in the "S:" directory and have its script bit
* set to work as indicated in the above examples.
* 7/93 Stuart Ferguson
call addlib("rexxsupport.library",0,-30,0)
/* Get command line from shell.
parse arg cmdline
/* Look for leading hyphen to see if this is a real command.
forreal = 1
cmdline = strip(cmdline)
if (left(cmdline, 1) = '-') then do
forreal = 0
cmdline = strip(substr(cmdline,2))
/* Get number of words on command line.
narg = words(cmdline)
if (narg < 1) then exit 10
/* Convert each word into sequence form and get the max sequence size
* as the number of iterations.
iter = 1
do i=1 to narg
templ.i = namebreak(word(cmdline,i))
iter = max(iter, namecount(templ.i))
end i
/* Generate a new command line by expanding each sequence pattern into
* a specific instance for each iteration.
do k=1 to iter
cmd = ""
do i=1 to narg
cmd = cmd || iname(k,templ.i) || ' '
end i
say cmd
if (forreal) then address command cmd
end k
* NameBreak converts a pattern word into a sequence descriptor. The
* descriptor consists of five words: name pattern, number of digits,
* start index, step, end index. Pattern is a word with a '*' in it
* where the number will go.
NAMEBREAK: procedure
parse arg name
/* Find first pattern marker. If none, this is a constant sequence.
p1 = pos('#',name)
if (p1 = 0) then return name || "* 0 1 1 1"
/* Find second pattern marker, if any.
p2 = pos('#',name,p1+1)
if (p2 = 0) then p2 = p1
/* Split out head and tail sections. If no second pattern marker,
* just set defaults.
head = substr(name,1,p1-1)
tail = substr(name,p2+1)
pat = head || "*" || tail
if (p1 = p2) then return pat 3 1 1 1
/* Parse sequence numbers. Step defaults to 1. Start defaults to 1.
larg = substr(name,p1+1,p2-p1-1)
parse var larg n0 ',' n1 ',' step
if (step = "") then step = 1
if (n1 = "") then do
n1 = n0
n0 = 1
return pat 3 n0 step n1
* NameCount takes a sequence descriptor and returns the number of elements
* defined by the sequence.
NAMECOUNT: procedure
arg pat ndig n0 step n1 .
return (n1 - n0 + step) % step
* IName takes an index and sequence descriptor and returns the name
* generated for the given index.
INAME: procedure
parse arg i, pat ndig n0 step .
parse var pat head '*' tail
num = right(n0 + step * (i - 1), ndig, 0)
return head || num || tail